In the modern world, there is a fairly wide range of devices and smart systems that help regulate the operation of ventilation. Today, you can choose both the simplest thermostat and a complex computerized system. The installation of such equipment makes it possible to completely eliminate the human factor in the process of monitoring and controlling ventilation systems.
At the same time, each object is individual, and therefore the modules must be selected strictly on an individual basis.
Experts divide these devices into three groups of nodes:
The fans are operated by sensors installed in the room, which transmit all data about the environment;
From these sensors, all the collected data is sent to the control center, and already there the information received is collected and analyzed, on the basis of which the system issues a particular command;
There are also executive nodes in this system. They are entrusted with the function of implementing the actions of the mechanisms. These include many different devices.
To date, there are only three modes of operation of the automation system, and each of them is used under certain conditions:
Full automation. That is, in this case, the operation of all devices in the engineering system is synchronized. Meanwhile, the management center has a much greater burden, since it has to collect and analyze much larger amounts of information, while the operator’s participation in all processes is reduced to zero;
Autonomous. In this case, the system also works independently, however, there is no synchronization with the rest of the processes of other devices in the room.;
Manual. In this case, the ventilation systems are fully controlled and controlled by the operator. Moreover, since modern systems can monitor and control remotely, the personal presence of the operator at the facility is not required at all. Among other things, the number of such operators is much less required today.
If a significant length of networks is provided at the facility, then automation shields will be required without fail. Another condition for their installation can be considered the location of measuring instruments in hard-to-reach places. Thus, all information from these devices goes to the control panel of the ventilation system. In fact, this is a panel on which various regulating devices and indicators are located. To date, the automation shield performs the following functions:
The device controls all ventilation equipment;
It also has a protective function. That is, it protects against some risks, such as overheating, improper installation or short circuit;
The device regulates the performance and power of the equipment;
The device prevents the occurrence of failures, and also sets the operating mode.