Smart home through the eyes of the consumer

Smart home from the inside

Recently, my colleague finished many years of renovation of his country residence. The house was renovated. Wallpaper pasted, water brought. Lighting organized. Then he began to suffer – how to leave the Fazenda unattended? Especially in these troubled times. Suddenly what?

Closed the apartment with a key and self-isolated in the country.

The first annoying absence from work brought trouble.

I couldn’t let go of the memory of the iron plugged in. He paused in mid-sentence, his eyes clearly flashing with the flames licking the roof. By evening the decision was made

Smart home is everything.

My friend acted with manic determination. By Monday, all the power outlets in the house had suddenly become smarter, and the happy owner of a safe home turned on and off the heating and humidifier, poking his finger at his smartphone.

After climate control, it was time to save on lighting fixtures. Special sensors tracked the level of natural light and optimized it, focusing on a single master driven ideal.


A cat should not suffer alone. Video cameras and motion sensors appeared. Focused observations of the cat’s movements led to an understanding of the criminal indifference of the owner to the animal’s need for socialization. A man was hired to look after the cat through video cameras and talk to it in a kind voice while the owner earned food by hard work.

Then there was a security system monitoring the perimeter security.

These leaks were put in, obviously, out of love for the system.

Thus, the home fortress was equipped with

Security system:
Motion sensor
Presence detector
A glass-break sensors,
Sensors for opening doors and Windows
Climate control system:
Humidity sensors
Temperature sensor
Lighting control system:
Smart switches
Controllers for controlling led lights
Light sensor

In the middle of all this pomp was the megamind-the flight control center, Ultron, Siri, and Alice in one package, which ordered all this space around the owner.

Apparently, the future has already arrived

Of course, it was not very cost-effective to assemble the entire system in parts, since the modern market offers the buyer already assembled kits, balanced to meet very different needs.

The Internet of things is developing rapidly. Today, the Smart home system can ensure Your safety, prepare coffee remotely, or start a delayed start of a slow cooker, look after children or elderly relatives, but this is not the limit. In addition to simplifying and organizing household needs, the smart home acquires technologies that are likely to become an organic part of our daily life, for example, as augmented reality, allowing, for example, not only to listen to music, but also to admire the image of your favorite artist against the background of our living room. The main thing is to be ready to accept this new one. Let’s start small… Let’s start with a smart socket.