Smart Home Appliances – Smart sockets

10 November 2021

Today, you can find a lot of useful household appliances on the market that can increase the comfort of people during operation. But often it needs to be turned off or off. And it happens manually, which is quite inconvenient. The way out is seen in the purchase of special smart sockets that can automatically turn off or turn off any type of household appliances.

Types and purpose

All smart sockets are divided into two subspecies. Most models are equipped with a plug plugged into a standard outlet by means of an adapter. In terms of design, embedded devices are similar to the designs of conventional analogues, but they can be determined visually: there is either a button or an indicator. Smart sockets supply current by means of a command or schedule. With their help:

  1. A large amount of electrical energy is saved;

  2. Watering of the garden or vegetable garden is performed automatically;

  3. Watering of the garden or vegetable garden is performed automatically;

  4. According to a certain schedule, the entire household territory is illuminated;

The simplest models are able to work in on/off mode. What does this give in practice? Everything is simple here. If you need it to be cool in the house when you come home from work, then the air conditioner turns on in advance. And the opposite situation – the socket gives a signal to turn on the room heater. This is important if there is an oil heater with a large thermal inertia in the room – it is worth turning it on in advance, as the room will warm up to a certain temperature. But that’s not all – air is also mixed if the outlet turns on the fan installed in the window opening.

Turning on the device together with the outlet

In order for household appliances to start, a special function will be required from it – automatic start when current is applied. Modern air conditioners have an auto-start function and this is easy to do if the air conditioner is left on. The same can be said about computers whose motherboards are also capable of starting when current is applied.

Smart sockets with Internet control

The most expensive smart sockets are controlled via the Internet. This is very convenient – sitting in the office, you can go online, turn on the outlet and all the necessary household appliances will start working. You can control the entire mini-system of a smart home via a smartphone if you install the right application.

Smart sockets with timer control

Smart sockets that can be controlled by a timer are considered quite inexpensive and effective. After all, not every user will risk managing household appliances or home via the Internet. Hackers and viruses have not gone away! In this case, it is much more profitable to purchase a smart socket with a mechanical timer. The time is selected by clicking and the socket is turned off at the right moment. Electronic smart sockets can be called more technologically advanced, in which you can set the on or off time not only in hours, but also in days! This is important if there will be no one in the house for a long time, and the garden or vegetable garden requires regular watering.

Smart sockets with the function of sending notifications

Some models of smart sockets are still capable of producing notifications. This will be useful if some household appliances suddenly turned off. For example, a washing machine that, after washing, stopped taking current from the network.

Power of smart sockets

It is also important to pay attention to the power of smart sockets. If suddenly some equipment is characterized by increased power consumption (for example, an air conditioner), then the outlet risks not only melting, but also completely failing. Therefore, before choosing sockets, you need to look at their technical indicators. If they can withstand at least 10-15 A and are capable of operating at a voltage of 250 V, then they can be safely purchased for home.


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