How to equip a smart home?

04 September 2021

Every year, high-tech housing is gaining more and more popularity. Now the “smart home” is not only the lot of rich people. Now the systems are so diverse in their functional purpose that you can choose an option for almost any budget.

What is a “smart home”?

In simple terms, this is a system of electronic assistants that allow you to make your home much more comfortable and safer. At the same time, the entire complex is controlled from a computer or smartphone thanks to special software.

For example, on the way home, you can turn on the light, air conditioning or autonomous heating in one of the rooms. There is also a group of sensors responsible for security. In particular, alerts are provided in case of a pipe break, a gas leak or the penetration of outsiders.

The first steps

To begin with, you should decide what opportunities you would like to put in your “smart home”. The basic option can be lighting or even speakers. And then the list of equipment can be gradually expanded.

Many people are probably interested in what to do with the old TV, air conditioning, refrigerator. It is not necessary to look for a replacement for them. After all, there are remotes that have universal characteristics.

When completing a “smart home”, it is worth choosing a technique from one manufacturer. After all, devices of different companies may not synchronize with each other. The exception, perhaps, is voice assistants. Today, they are adapted to several services at once.

However, before choosing a kit, it is advisable to consult with specialists. They will help you choose the option for the optimal price/quality/functionality ratio.

Pros and cons of a smart home

The system under consideration has both advantages and disadvantages. An undoubted advantage is the automation of many processes inside the home. Accordingly, its inhabitants get more time for other things.

It has already been mentioned above that a security package is an integral part of a modern “smart home”. And the security alarm system is far from its only component. The kit includes smoke detectors, gas leaks. After all, the latter is not always possible to recognize in time, which means there will be trouble.

It is definitely worth mentioning the possibility of remote control. Even being in another corner of the globe, you can be aware of what is happening in the room.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning some disadvantages. Among them are:

  • still quite a high price (for example, “smart” light bulbs are several times more expensive than ordinary ones);
  • the presence of functions that are rarely useful in real life;
  • dependence on the Internet: if the signal from the provider disappears, then most of the features of the “smart home” will become unavailable.

Therefore, when introducing modern technologies, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. You should also not forget about the upcoming costs and maintenance of the entire unit during operation.


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