Smart Home System SmartHouse
You value your own comfort and safety - then a Smart Home will be the perfect solution!
Many people think that the Smart Home system is still a matter of the distant future, which is still only a dream. In fact, in Ukraine, there is already an opportunity to implement such a technology and enjoy all the benefits of this wonderful innovation.
What is it?
The main goal of the creators of the system, which controls all systems of work at home, was to achieve a fundamentally new quality of life. The house becomes an assistant and security guard, will anticipate your wishes and save you money.
What you can get by installing Smart Home hardware?
Ensure home security
The video surveillance system < /a> helps to control the perimeter of the territory. You can also observe the movements inside the house. Opening and movement sensors allow you to know for sure whether an intruder has entered an empty house.
The house should be protected not only from outsiders. Accidents of utility networks can cause considerable damage. To prevent this from happening, the Smart Home kit includes sensors for water leaks and gas leaks.
To security system this also applies to creating a presence effect. You leave for a long time - in order not to attract the attention of uninvited guests, music plays in the house, lights turn on and off, voices are heard.
Create comfort
You value your own comfort and safety - then a Smart Home will be the perfect solution!
A light touch of the smartphone screen – and without getting up from your seat, you will plunge into the romantic atmosphere created by a certain combination of lights. Or increase the brightness of the lighting. You can turn off all the lights if you leave the house. You don't have to worry: is everything disabled? Is there anything left?
Система мультирум. Its installation will allow you to hear music broadcast on the radio, or your favorite playlists, or the sounds of a home theater in any room.
Climate control. It provides a comfortable temperature and humidity, at night, airing of the premises is turned on, so that sleep is strong and healthy. In the morning, the Smart home activates the floor heating. It controls the radiators. Maybe at a certain time start the ventilation of the premises. With the help of a complex of ionization and ozonation of air, it will purify the air from pathogenic microorganisms. If the house is equipped with specialized rooms-a cellar, a library-sensors there will continuously monitor certain climatic parameters.
Control utility costs
Smart Home controllers monitor whether someone is in the house and turn on the power-saving mode. This will effectively save you money.
Smart Home management can be carried out using a special console, but not only. Both a home computer and a smartphone will allow you to manage the entire process, including remotely.
Why us??

Indeed, many companies offer to install an intelligent Smart Home system. The offers are very attractive, it remains only to choose the best.
We offer you a long-term cooperation. Our company is ready to take care of everything and make sure that you get the full range of its capabilities from the complex.
Advantages of working with us.
We are not new to the market of modern systems that implement intelligent home management solutions. Our company SmartHouse has been working in this field for fifteen years. The equipment supplied by us has passed the certification procedure according to UkrSEPRO standards. We have created unique engineering solutions that are not inferior to the best Western analogues.
To buy a Smart Home from us means to get guarantees:
- safety;
- qualities;
- reliability.
We offer a full range of services. This saves you from having to deal with multiple performers, each of whom does their part of the work independently. The specialists of our company solve the whole range of tasks that the customer sets for us, who wants to buy Smart Home equipment. We can offer good non-standard solutions to any problem.
Continuous consultation. You will receive detailed explanations on all issues. Get the cost calculation equipment and works. A personal manager will be in touch with you to promptly solve any problems that arise at any time.
Проектирование системы. Our specialists create the project completely, from scratch, which will allow you to save significantly. Programmers and engineers work in constant interaction. Even the most unusual features of the system can be provided and designed specifically for you.
When installing the integrated Smart Home control system, each stage of the work is monitored, and after their completion, the company's employees check the final result together with the customer.
If you need to change the configuration and settings of the Smart Home management system, you only need to notify us. The staff will deal with the issues while you deal with more important matters.
To buy a Smart home system in our company means to get the highest quality equipment. All components of the equipment are highly reliable and operate with maximum efficiency. The distributed intelligence system provides additional stability to the system. Each unit, providing a solution to a specific task, works so autonomously that in case of an emergency situation in it, the rest of the system will continue to function.
Important! Our company is one of the few that offers control with just one touch panel Apple< / a>. The world-famous leader in the field of IT technologies offers a very convenient and easy-to-use touchscreen panel. Such an engineering solution allows you to simultaneously control all processes from adjusting the lighting in one room to turning on and off entire systems. And the ease of operation will allow even younger family members to learn how to work with the touchscreen panel.
Price. This is one of our main advantages. We always take into account every wish of our customers. As part of an individual approach, the company can offer both ready-made Smart Home solutions and individual configurations. That is why you will like the prices for our services. Smart home will get you cheap. We are ready to cooperate and guarantee the solution of your problems.
What a Smart Home system can do?
The system has the ability to prescribe typical scenarios for the operation of any home equipment.
For example, for lighting systems many similar scenarios can be created, each of which will make you feel comfortable. At the same time, in each case and for each specific room, it is prescribed which lighting devices and with what brightness will work. In the same set of scenarios, you can provide for the shutdown of all electrical appliances if the house is empty, as well as automatic activation - when moving along an unlit staircase or corridor. The lighting fixtures are set up so that they can be switched off if they are not needed. This ensures maximum operational efficiency. Savings can reach up to 40%.
Climate control at home also occurs according to scenarios. Here, depending on the time of year, time of day and day of the week, there is a special program. In addition, the economical temperature mode is activated in the event of a long absence of the owners. The sensors continuously monitor the indicators. If necessary, select the most cost-effective mode of operation of heating devices, thereby saving the client money. You can set the script yourself by using your smartphone or by installing it on the touchscreen panel.
Home security is ensured by installing sensors and controllers. They record the entry, react to movements in the control area, and notify you and the security service to which the house belongs about the fact. Thus, the maximum response speed is achieved. It is also possible to manage the system via the Internet.
Inside the house, gas contamination and leakage sensors are installed in rooms where there is a risk of such accidents. They will protect the structure of the premises and residents, blocking the water and gas supply systems. They will also instantly send a message to the owners of the house about the situation.
On the company's website, you can learn more about the full range of our company's services for the Smart Home system. We will be glad to see you among our clients. We will help you realize your dreams. Just call us – we'll do the rest for you!