
The Smart Home system has long ceased to be a luxury. The complex of elements makes the life of its owner comfortable and significantly saves his time. An additional advantage is the economy. The “smart” climate system will optimize the use of energy resources. The control applies to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, etc. At the same time, the optimal microclimate for each family member will be created within the houses.

Heating system

The use of the complex will significantly save energy consumption. The desired result will be achieved when the heating circuits in the premises are turned off. In which there are no people present at this particular time. Also, the owner of the house can control the temperature values using the remote control. In addition to saving money, the use of a “smart” complex makes the life of all family members more comfortable.

Heating system functionality

By installing climate control devices, the user becomes the owner of the following features::

  1. Different adjustment options. With the help of a manual or automatic system, the owner can control the operation of individual devices, monitor temperature indicators and adjust them by turning on or off individual devices. These include radiators, underfloor heating, converters, etc. The corresponding sensors will transmit information to the control unit.
  2. Memory. The installed program will save all settings and other information regardless of the power supply.
  3. Automatic operation mode. The user can control the system via the Internet. The location of the owner does not matter at all. You can change the program settings using the remote control or via a personal computer.
  4. Separate temperature control for different rooms. The owner of the house can set up a specific climate for the nursery, kitchen, living room, office, etc. At the same time, you can set parameters for a specific time of year. In this case, the air temperature outside the house will also be taken into account.
  5. Savings. All the money invested in the installation of the “smart” climate control system will pay off by reducing the consumption of energy resources for heating.

Security is no less important. The system will respond promptly to any possible emergency. This may be a rupture of heating pipes, a malfunction of the electrical cable of a separate device, etc. After an emergency is detected, the owner will immediately receive a corresponding message. It is noteworthy that the system can signal a possible malfunction in advance before its physical manifestation.

Ventilation control

For maximum comfort of the residents of the house, the developers of the “Smart” complex provided for the possibility of adjusting the operation of the air ducts. The air valves are responsible for the correct execution of the task. These devices are installed on the supply and supply – exhaust air ducts. As soon as the user starts the system, the valve starts working. The connection in this case is provided by the axis connecting the element to the electric drive connected to the central control system of the “Smart Home”.

To control the air flow, the complex uses the appropriate regulators. These devices are installed on the end branches of home air ducts. For additional savings, as well as effective use of the warm air of the rooms, a separate construction scheme is used. The essence is in the tandem of supply-exhaust ventilation and heat recovery.

Air conditioning system control

Modern climate control systems can cool and also heat the room. Also, with the help of air conditioners, you can filter the air or humidify it. “Smart Home” will be able to control and adjust the operation of each individual component of the split system. At the same time, the owner will need a minimum of attention and effort.

By connecting the smart home system to air conditioners, the user automatically becomes the owner of the following advantages::

  1. The optimum temperature level will be maintained in each room;
  2. The installed control system will monitor the safety during the long absence of the owner;
  3. Savings – the device will quickly pay off by using the appropriate modes.

During installation, the owner can choose two options for organizing the air conditioning system – centralized or installing indoor units for each room. At the same time, it is possible to configure the complex in advance. The second option is regular manual monitoring of the air conditioning system.


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